Make and receive calls from your existing Zoom app on your desktop, laptop, or mobile phone or tablet.The phone modernization project will also investigate a campus fax solution. This phase will roll out beginning fall 2021. (UITS will not be adding Zoom external phone numbers or 911 dialing for remote sites that are not on a UITS-managed network.) The second phase is moving University phone numbers from the current service to Zoom Phone, for those who need to place or receive external phone calls as part of their work. Zoom Phone Basic is now active as of July 31, 2021. The first phase of the project adds Zoom Phone internal extensions (Basic account) for voice calls between all University employees and DCCs with Zoom accounts. Zoom Phone will be a new feature added to the Zoom application you’re already familiar with.
The University is launching an all-new telephone system to give you access anywhere you go.