Legends of zelda monsters
Legends of zelda monsters

legends of zelda monsters

Repeat this twice and the Guardian will be destroyed! This method may be very efficient, it still asks for a very good timing, otherwise, it's highly probable that your shield will be destroyed by the Guardian's shoot (except from the Ancient Shields which automatically repel the shoots). If you manage to counter their laser by pressing A at the "perfect" moment, the shoot will be repelled straight at the Guardian, making it lose a third of its life. One of the most efficient methods to slay the Guardians consists in using a shield.(Note: The Ancient weapons can cut the Guardians' legs in a single blow.). This method is quite complicated because the Guardians try to keep a good distance to fire at you, but you can stun them with an arrow in the eye before starting to hit the legs with a charged spin attack with a two-handed weapon. As long as it has one leg left, the Guardian can move, but otherwise, it's nothing more than a decayed guardian. That way, you can take advantage of this moment to attack the Guardian, or even better, to rid it of all of its legs. You can cut their legs to make them lose their balance and turn them over. If you feel brave, you can take on the Guardians with your sword.But as the game goes on, several methods can be used: To defeat them: At the beginning of the game, it's very hard to face the Guardians because of their huge amount of life points as well as their power. This attack is predictable, but is deadly, is fast and can cover a great distance, making it hard to escape a Guardian's chase. It starts by aiming at you with its red laser dot which gets still right before firing at you. Their attacks: The Guardian's sole attack is its explosive beam. Their head can move all the way round, which is very useful for firing explosive beams with their tiny murderous blue eye. They look like huge shooting turrets standing on six robotic feet. Location: Mostly in Hyrule Field, but also in other fieldsĭescription: Guardians are the most emblematic enemies of Breath of the Wild.

Legends of zelda monsters